Preparing the way……


It’s 5:45 on a Saturday morning and I’m awake. I shouldn’t be, the rest of the house are snuggled in to their beds, warm and cosy. I however was first woken by my little darling climbing into bed next to me crying because he had lost his snuggle.

He was safely back in his bed when the dog decided to, quite rightly bark at a neighbour dragging a suitcase on wheels past the house. I know they are useful and practical and I have used them, but I hate suitcases on wheels!!

This long awaited post isn’t going to be about what I would put into Room 101, it’s about preparation for the festivities that are approaching.

Once the dog had settled by head was spinning with gifts still to buy and jobs to do, there was nothing else for it except to get up, write a list and blog about it.

I love preparing for Christmas. My preparations tend to start at half term when I make the Christmas cake with my mum and Oscar. Last year we did it in our pyjamas early in the morning, this year we were much more civilized and made it fully dressed! I love the fact that this could become a tradition as I do not feel confident in following mum’s instructions alone, especially as I curdled the cake as she was looking over my shoulder.

I have Christmas candles burning most evenings and fairy lights glistening. Oscar and I have started to make our Christmas cards and mini decorations for family and as one fellow blogger wrote, all with the help of Pintrest!


 I have also tried to make my very own pot purri. I thought this would save loads of money on smelly candles and would look pretty. I found the idea here and like many Pintrest crafts it didn’t come out quite as I was hoping! I collected the fir cones weeks ago, covered them with glue and sprinkled them with cinnamon  crushed cloves, nutmeg and glitter. The result is that they look pretty but you have to get up, close and personal with the fir cones to appreciate the aroma!


Last year I made decorations to give to immediate members of the family. I thought this would be a lovely tradition, each year make a little something to hang from my boy. We made salt dough stars last year. They were heavy, big and covered in glitter. This year I have tried to recreate another pintrest favourite ( Once again mine do not look that pretty but I much preferred the recipe so will be using that one again.   

                                                                              ImageWhen Oscar was a baby I made an advent calendar  again with mum looking over my shoulder! I loved making this and I love getting it out each year and filling it with gifts. My mum started the tradition of filling her hand made advent calendar with little gifts for the family. You would never know who it was going to be for or what it would be. It was a given that I would get the gift on the 20th for my birthday, as it was a given that I would blow the Advent candle out but the other days were a lottery!

I have started this in my own home. The cats received new collars last year and people who are staying with us throughout Advent may also find a little gift in there. I love this tradition, it’s a little like a stocking before Christmas! I will post a photo once it is up.

All this preparation is great, I love it. I love the build up, I love how I seem to be more creative. But at some point I have to rein them in. I have been desperate for a glass of mulled wine (despite my pregnant belly) and would love a home made mince pie. But I have decided that these should wait at least until December!

I think it’s great that people get excited about Christmas. But I do question why people get excited. Why do I get excited? Not only do I get excited about the above, I get excited about seeing family and friends, I get excited about the fact without Christmas I wouldn’t be who I am.

This has led me to thinking about what I want my children to believe. Last night as Oscar bedtime story I read him the nativity story. I want him to realise that we are celebrating Jesus’  birthday and that for us this is very important. I don’t want him to get wrapped up in the ‘I wants’ (which I know is a massive ask and some of you with older children will snigger at) I want him to see the joy in giving not just receiving.

I was thinking about Thanksgiving yesterday and what a great celebration that is. How amazing is it to have a day just to be thankful for all that we have?

Christmas should be like Thanksgiving. I’d love to think that all of our preparation and gift giving was to say thank you to all those that we love. Maybe it is but we just need to change the way we are thinking.

Just a little thought to ponder on this Saturday morning……..

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